18-19 April 2024
Hotel Sunny Hill, Cluj-Napoca
Stay ahead of the curve!
We are thrilled to present you with Enable Leadership – the place for managers, executives, HR and Sales enthusiasts to discover new tools and strategies to streamline their processes, enhance their teams’ learning and explore the smartest business solutions out there to support their growth plans.
We look forward to welcoming you there in person!
Till then, take a peek at our speakers, partners and agenda below.
Day One – Leadership – 09.30 till 17.00
Organisational Network Analysis – Leverage the social network
András Vicsek – Maven7 / OrgMapper
HR #Leadership #ChangeManagement
Leverage your network – LinkedIn
Natalia Sirca – LinkedIn
HR #Leadership #Sales
Psychometric Profiling @ Work
Csaba Racz & Mădălina Nastasă – Siegel HR
#HR #Leadership #Sales
The power of personality in Leadership
Csaba Rácz – Siegel HR
#Sales #SalesEnablement
Business Networking
Meet the participants & speakers
#networking #getconnected
Day Two – Enablement – 09.30 till 17.00
What is the effect of Enablement in an organisation
Florian Gottschall
#Enablement #SalesEnablement
LinkedIn Data-driven decisions with Talent Insights
Nikolay Levkoev – LinkedIn
#Enablement #SalesEnablement
Creating Solutions – Workshop with Siegel HR
Csaba Rácz – Siegel HR
#HR #Leadership
Business Networking
Meet the participants & speakers
#networking #getconnected

Natalia Sirca
Natalia is a Senior Account Executive at LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network and a leading platform for talent management. With over four years of sales experience across EMEA, I help businesses in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) leverage LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions to attract, hire, develop, and retain top talent.

András Vicsek
Andras is the Chief Innovation Officer of Maven7, one of the leading companies in the Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) space. He has 20+ years experience in HR and Organizational Development and has been focused over the last decade in the area of ONA and Social Capital.
Andras is regarded as a leading exponent in ONA and has worked with nearly 200 Projects in this specific sector globally. He is a second generation ONA Expert who is passionate about bringing social capital and networks on the agenda of HR and management.

Csaba Rácz
Entrepreneurial and accomplished leadership, sales & negotiation trainer helping organizations reach their growth potential with 12 years of training achievement for multinational companies. Facilitator and builder of international sales teams within multiple organizations, driving sales above 110% percent. Instigator and lead developer of a partner initiative which led to the launch of a personality based HR portal.
Developer and facilitator of world class training content and training plans, for in person and tele-sales teams, driving motivation and results beyond expectations. Advisor of C-level management in clarifying strategy and creating behavioral change within the organization.

Mădălina Nastasă
I started in L&D nearly 10 years ago and instantly knew this was going to be a lifetime commitment. Ever since, I surrounded myself with talented trainers, facilitators, psychologists, coaches and consultants to create and implement programs for our clients, corporate or entrepreneurial so that they get few steps closer to their growth goals. Those I take very personally.
During my career I gladly took on the challenges of being both an external consultant and an in-house L&D specialist, having met over 100 wonderful teams and being privileged to be a part of their transformation, learning journeys and celebrate their hard earned results. Whether it was banking, IT, commerce, architecture, financial services or manufacturing, I am grateful to have discovered their insights and absorb their expertise, so that each program fuels and perfects the next one.

Florian Gottschall
In my free time I am converting from a sales trainer to a sailing trainer. Except of navigation knowledge a skipper needs to bring in the same skill set that you need for your business life. Interacting with people, teams, customers, vendors, channel can be as challenging as guiding your crew through a storm. This is what I teach, train, show and coach others on. Doesn’t matter if you use it for your life offshore or during your daily business.
Giving ideas to you on how to communicate with others in the most effective way is my job after more than 20 years of experience. Meanwhile I provided training and consulting for more than 10 different cultures from ASIA, USA to Europe.

Nikolay Levkoev
Sales professional with 10 years experience of business development in IT industry, helping companies maximise the use of their time in enabling employees with tools + tips and tricks from multiple industries.
Register here
Looking forward to having you there: discover the latest business tools and upgrades, learn new skills during the workshops, see how everything fits your scenario by networking with our speakers and partners.